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Birds Being More Exploratory and Discovery-Oriented than Humans

Birds embody a spirit of exploration and discovery that often surpasses human endeavors. Migratory birds like the Arctic Tern travel incredible distances annually, covering up to 44,000 miles. Their ability to traverse vast distances, navigate through diverse landscapes, and adapt to various environments is awe-inspiring. This sense of adventure and boundless curiosity is captured in my photographs, showcasing birds as symbols of freedom and exploration.

Long Eared Owl
Red Crested Grebe
Baby Woodpecker

Deflt | Amsterdam | Zoetermeer

Sony A6700, FE 100-400 F4.5-5.6


Exploring the Wonders of Avian Life


Deflt | 2023
Sony A6700, FE 70-200 F4


The Environment They Require

Birds thrive in a wide array of environments, from urban settings where storks nest on rooftops to untouched wilderness where eagles soar. Their adaptability and ability to blend seamlessly into different habitats highlight their resilience and resourcefulness. For instance, peregrine falcons, once endangered, now flourish in cities, nesting on skyscrapers. My photography focuses on these diverse settings, illustrating the intricate relationship between birds and their surroundings and emphasizing the importance of preserving their habitats.


Birds of Prey and How They Help the Environment

Birds of prey play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance by controlling populations of smaller animals and pests. Raptors like hawks and owls help regulate rodent populations, preventing the spread of disease and crop damage. Their presence indicates a healthy ecosystem, as they are often at the top of the food chain. Through my photography, I highlight the majesty and significance of these raptors, showcasing their strength, agility, and the vital ecological functions they perform.

Long-eared owls typically hunt at dusk and throughout the night, using their exceptional hearing and stealth to locate and capture prey. Their nocturnal hunting habits ensure they can efficiently catch small mammals, such as voles and mice, which are most active during these times, thus playing a critical role in controlling rodent populations.


Long Eared Owl

Zoetermeer | 2023
Sony A6700, FE 100-400 F4.5-5.6



Migration is one of the most remarkable phenomena in the avian world. Species like spoonbills undertake incredible journeys across continents, driven by instinct and necessity. This epic movement showcases their endurance and the critical role of various ecosystems in supporting their life cycles. For instance, the bar-tailed godwit holds the record for the longest non-stop flight, traveling over 7,000 miles. Through my lens, I capture the determination and grace of these migratory birds, celebrating their extraordinary resilience and adaptability.




Parent birds returning home to their nests is a heartwarming and essential part of their lifecycle. After long hours of foraging, parent birds bring food back to their eagerly waiting chicks, ensuring their growth and survival. Species such as puffins, which can carry multiple fish in their beaks at once, and ospreys, who travel great distances to catch fish, demonstrate incredible dedication and skill. Capturing these moments of reunion through my lens, I aim to highlight the strong family bonds and the tireless efforts of parent birds to nurture and protect their young, showcasing the universal theme of parental care and devotion in the avian world.

Arboretum Heempark - Delft | 2023
Sony A6700, FE 100-400 F4.5-5.6


Arboretum-Heempark Delft is a beautifully curated botanical garden and natural park located in Delft, Netherlands. It serves as a living museum of diverse plant species, featuring a wide variety of trees, shrubs, and flowers from around the world, but also dozens of Spoonbills.

Woodpeckers play a crucial role in maintaining forest health by controlling insect populations and creating nesting sites for other wildlife through their pecking activities. Protecting woodpeckers involves preserving their natural habitats, minimizing deforestation, and ensuring the availability of dead or decaying trees that they rely on for nesting and foraging.

Amsterdamse Bos | 2023
Sony A6700, FE 100-400 F4.5-5.6


Bird Photography Excites Me

Bird photography is both challenging and immensely rewarding. Capturing the perfect shot requires patience, skill, and a deep understanding of avian behavior. When done correctly, the results are powerful and evocative, conveying the majesty and delicacy of these creatures. This pursuit excites me, pushing me to continually refine my craft and appreciate the intricate beauty of the avian world.

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